From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Decks, pitching, and fundraising

Decks, pitching, and fundraising

- [Instructor] If you get involved as a CTO for a startup, there's a good chance you're going to be included in the fundraising process. This means you should have some basic understanding of decks, pitching and the fundraising process which is what we'll talk about in this movie. Until a startup is up and running, they often need to raise funds to cover expenses. Some businesses are able to get traditional funding through the Small Business Association and banks but many companies that rely on technology can't go that route so they must raise money through family and friends, angels and venture capitalists and lately to a smaller degree, crowdfunding. For some companies, the right thing to do is to bootstrap. Bootstrapping is putting together what you can of a company to prove the market and show the potential for revenue before raising funds. Well, this is a very valid approach. This isn't really fundraising. If you can grow a company organically, more power to you but for most…
