From the course: Change Management Foundations
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How to create enthusiasm for change
From the course: Change Management Foundations
How to create enthusiasm for change
- So you're ready to fully engage your organization in the implementation of change. They're automatically excited about it, right? Eh, likely not. To create excitement you need to position the change as a path to a better compelling future state while fostering the desire to get there sooner versus later. It's about going beyond acceptance to enthusiasm. That's the bar I want to hold you all to. Here's how. Start with transparently expressing the state of the union and comparing it to the desired future. Describe to your audience where the organization is today, why that current state won't work, and compare it to where the change will take the organization in the future. It should be a clear, simple vision, including what's changing, why by when, and how it links to the organization's broader goals and strategies. It should feel purposeful and attainable. The comparison now versus the future should make the change…
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