LinkedIn Learning Certificate of Completion

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Certificate of completion for The Three Pillars of Effective Communication content earned by Jessica McGuire
Effective communication starts with presence. Strong presence builds trust. A lack of presence erodes it. But what is presence, really? In this Knowable audio course, Ximena Vengoechea, author of Listen Like You Mean It: Reclaiming the Lost Art of True Connection, teaches you to become a more confident, trustworthy, and successful communicator by unlocking the three key skills of conversational presence: self-awareness, trust, and patience. Ximena shows you how to take control of your emotions through the process known as “labeling,” regulate your physical self by running a “body scan,” avoid distractions caused by unnecessary detail-orientation, and build greater rapport with others by saying less.

Note: This course was created by Knowable. We are pleased to host this training in our library.