From the course: Cause Selling: The Secret to Nonprofit Donations

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Requesting an appointment

Requesting an appointment

- Have you ever felt uncomfortable requesting an in-person meeting with a prospect? Are you afraid of sounding too pushy or forceful? You aren't alone. Securing a meeting with a prospective or existing donor is one of the most demanding parts of being a cause-selling professional but it also holds great promise. At this point in the call, you've engaged the prospect for several minutes. You've introduced yourself, stated the purpose of the call and made an interest-capturing statement where you provided high-level facts about your nonprofit. Your research reveal that the prospect has an affinity for your cause, a connection to your organization and the capacity to provide support. What do you say now? In this video, I will share three key elements you must have when thoughtfully requesting an in-person appointment, which is step five of the six-step telephone track. By requesting an appointment thoughtfully, you…
