From the course: Cause Selling: The Secret to Nonprofit Donations

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Organization website

Organization website

- When you see a billboard ad that catches your eye or hear of an amazing restaurant you want to try, what's the first thing you do? More often than not, you visit the company's website. Think of your nonprofit's website as your first impression to a prospective donor. A visually engaging, informative and easy to use website is essential to growing your relationships with supporters. Your site is a primary source for information about your organization, and often, the first place supporters will check for news and updates. To be certain you are making the most of your website, consider the four S's: style, story, support and social media. I will walk you through what each of these mean and how to best utilize them to create an effective website. First, think about your website style. Use a modern, simple design with compelling images to illustrate your work. Update these images regularly to keep content fresh. For a…
