From the course: Cause Selling: The Secret to Nonprofit Donations

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Organization initiated

Organization initiated

- The benefits of this direct marketing cannot be overstated. Through telemarketing, nonprofits can attract new funders, increase gift amounts, reengage lapsed donors, improve retention, and convert annual donors to monthly donors. A phone call is also the perfect way to say thank you and generate feedback. According to philanthropy expert, Gail Perry, telemarketing campaigns raise big money for nonprofits. While it is easy to assume that people hate receiving fundraising calls, Perry believes if the call is done right, they are grateful to hear from you, and you can't get them off the phone. I'm going to share the steps to take before, during, and after these calls, so you, too, can keep your donors talking, and ultimately giving to your organization. First, prepare for the calls. Determine your campaign's purpose. Remember, telemarketing is most effective when there is an urgent, tangible funding need. Draft…
