From the course: Cause Selling: The Secret to Nonprofit Donations

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Event prospecting

Event prospecting

- Have you ever attended a virtual event? Maybe it was a baby shower, birthday party, or even a wedding. I'm sure you were excited to have been involved. But, there's nothing like experiencing the event or celebration in person. As a fundraiser, you will be organizing many different events with hopes of securing donations. And it's important you get people through the door. In the study conducted by fundraising expert, Penelope Burke, 67% of respondents credited attending a donor event as the reason for their gift. Events generate resources, raise awareness, attract prospects, and encourage current donors. Events provide a unique opportunity to understand firsthand how your organization is making a difference. For your first time guest, your event goal is to generate excitement in your work. They should leave wanting more, more stories, more data, and more involvement. For those already engaged, your goal is to…
