From the course: Business Operations: Staying Organized While Under Pressure

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Prioritize tasks and responsibilities effectively

Prioritize tasks and responsibilities effectively

- When everything is a priority, nothing is. Organizing yourself and your tasks is essential to working effectively, and to help you be effective at prioritizing, I'm going to share three pieces of advice for how to use classic methods in a new way. You'll walk away with insights for how to prioritize your tasks effectively using familiar tools. The first piece of advice is to maximize your calendar. Calendaring has been thought of as a way to let others know you're busy, and give you structure for what your day should look like. It's essential in most modern work environments, but your calendar should reflect true life. I like to play on my calendar around my work and personal goals, as well as my deliverables. Use your annual goals and directives from leadership, and plan proactively throughout the year in your calendar. Carve out specific times to work on each deliverable, and be as detailed as you can. By starting with outcomes and using it to define habits, you'll get a plan for…
