From the course: Business Operations: Staying Organized While Under Pressure

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Leverage technology for better organization

Leverage technology for better organization

- In today's workforce, technology is not optional. Using a document suite is not a special skill, and things are only changing quicker. But that should be empowering, not frightening. Technology can work for you to make you your best self if you embrace it. And this lesson is about making tech work for you. I'm going to give you two tips for how to use technology to enhance the way that you organize your work. You'll be able to take this and restructure the way you manage work to get the most out of your time on the job. First, utilize your work calendar to eliminate scheduling conflicts. Using the space available to you, you can better plan out your day and get a strong visual representation of what life that week looks like. But you should also utilize shared calendars to organize teams, eliminate double bookings, and ensure everyone is on the same page for working together. Use recurring meetings to organize regular team duties and ensure key tasks aren't missed. Doing this in…
