From the course: Business Operations: Staying Organized While Under Pressure

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Implement effective workflow management systems

Implement effective workflow management systems

- What do you do here? That question's jarring, but can you answer it? Knowing what you do and why it's important is the first step to building an effective workflow. In this lesson, you'll learn how to build a system to manage your work. You'll get three best practices for designing a workflow system that helps keep you focused on your role. This is going to help you minimize the chaos and maximize your impact. First best practice, structure your workflow in a way that separates the type of work you're handling. Your organization asks you to do at least a few different things. Each one is going to have a different criteria for success, urgency, and the outcome expected. Your workflow system should account for the way people engage you and how those needs are served. Basically, you need to map the requests that you receive to your deliverables. Think of it like virtual assembly lines For each service that you offer, maybe there's line for budgets, project plans, and training. By…
