From the course: Business Operations: Staying Organized While Under Pressure

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Continuous improvement for operations

Continuous improvement for operations

- Kaizen means improvement. It denotes the concept of always getting better and is prominently used in different systems of project management. The reason I'm sharing this word with you is that it should be right on the tip of your tongue as soon as an emergency passes. This lesson is about what happens after an emergency and getting better for next time. You'll walk away with a three-step framework for making incremental improvements to your operations, which add up to a big difference. The first step is figuring out, how did this happen? Start by identifying the root cause. Knowing this context informs where you need to improve. Was this an external issue, an internal breakdown, or a lack of communication? This is what a root cause analysis is meant to find. Without knowing this, it's a guessing game on if your attempt to get better will actually be impactful. The second step is analyzing the history of the issue. Figure out if this has happened before or if it's new. Identify if…
