From the course: Building Your Team

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Establishing team mission and goals

Establishing team mission and goals

From the course: Building Your Team

Establishing team mission and goals

- An effective mission statement clearly and concisely communicates the purpose for your team's existence. It motivates people to take action and guides their decisions. It's your team's source of inspiration and lets others know what your team is trying to achieve. Having all team members on board with the team's purpose is a key factor in successful team building. A mission statement is about intention and guides decision making. It crystallizes your target and is a simple way to see if you are on the correct path. Mission statements answer two simple questions. What is the team going to do? And how's it going to do it? For example, Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. What's their purpose? To make information universally available. How do they do that? By organizing that information. So we've looked at what a missions statement is and why…
