From the course: Building Your Innovation Skills

Implement the solution and make your new future a reality

From the course: Building Your Innovation Skills

Implement the solution and make your new future a reality

- When we started this innovation journey together, I told you that innovation is creating a new future by transforming ideas into value. It's finally time to implement your solution. You've done the bulk of the heavy lifting and have reached the final stage of the innovation process. How are you feeling? You should feel really good about all the work you've done so far. Implement is making the finished solution a reality. Now that you have finished your prototype, you'll need to consider how you're going to implement this. How will you roll out this solution? There's two parts to this, planning and delivery. In planning, you are going to determine the required actions needed to make your solution a reality. Depending on the complexity of your prototype, this may require a lot of additional work, or it could be something quick. To do this, you're going to create an action plan. This will help you identify what's needed to be done and then prioritize when you should do it. I'll walk you through the steps and when you start, you'll need to set aside about 15 to 30 minutes for this entire exercise. Step one, grab some stickies or index cards. Write down all the activities you can think of to implement your finished solution. Don't worry about the order of it. Just get down everything that comes to mind. Write down one activity per sticky or index card. Step two, once you have all your activities written down, write down the following categories on separate sticky notes or index cards, one category each. You'll have right now, next week, in 30 days, in 60 days, and finally, in 90 days. What you're going to do now is assign your activities to these various categories. Right now means you're going to do this work now, within the week. Next week is what you'll do next week. In 30 days is 30 days from now, and so on. You'll move your sticky note or index card under the appropriate category, and what you'll end up with is a full action plan with all the activities you need to complete and prioritize by when you should complete them. Once you've completed this step, take a picture of your action plan and put it somewhere where you'll see it regularly. Now, let's talk about delivery. In delivery, you're simply going to complete your action plan. Now that you've planned for it, it's time to do it. I'd like to encourage you to share your action plan with a trusted friend, colleague, or loved one. Having someone aware of your intentions will keep you accountable and help you get your work across the finish line. Now the ball is in your court. It's time for you to see your innovation come to life.
