From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Use informational interviews to learn from current managers

Use informational interviews to learn from current managers

From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

Use informational interviews to learn from current managers

There's a good, bad, and ugly side to every job. This includes the role of being a manager. As a former executive, I can tell you the highs and lows of management. While each industry standards, technologies, and processes differ, management is generally the same. You're guiding people, projects, and systems which require the same foundational traits. Traits like the ability to clearly communicate, manage conflict, advocate for yourself and your team, adjust to challenges, and foster a positive and healthy environment. That means you need to conduct informational interviews that center around building and maintaining these skills. I'll also mention that these discussions will provide you with a realistic picture of what management looks like in your organization, other industries, or within your community. Here are a few example questions you can ask in these conversations. What strategies do you use to foster trust in your relationships at work? How do you navigate and resolve…
