From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Track and share your progress toward becoming a manager

Track and share your progress toward becoming a manager

You're putting in a lot of incredible work on your journey to building your reputation and skill set to become a manager. And you won't remember any of it if you don't embrace, document, and share your wins. If you struggle with self-advocacy and showcasing your accomplishments free of feeling guilty or like you're bragging, this will give you practice. After all, if others don't know what you've achieved, how will they know you're capable of new opportunities? I suggest getting comfortable with these three strategies to track and share your progress. Number 1, set goals with your manager for your annual performance review. Number 2, create a file specifically for tracking your achievements, aka your digital portfolio. And Number 3, share your wins with your network. Your annual performance review is a great time to connect with your manager and have a transparent conversation of what you like to accomplish over the next year. This can include skills you'd like to gain, certifications…
