From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Showcase your management skills on your resume and LinkedIn

Showcase your management skills on your resume and LinkedIn

From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

Showcase your management skills on your resume and LinkedIn

Have you ever heard the saying, "Stay ready so you don't have to get ready?" Opportunities can come from anywhere, and I want you to be ready to showcase your best self, even when you least expect it. You've been putting in a lot of hard work, building your reputation, learning new skills, and accomplishing your goals. So now is the perfect time to start updating your career marketing materials. Yes. I'm referring to your resume and LinkedIn profile. This is also the perfect time for me to mention that I'm a nationally certified resume writer. Before becoming a leadership coach, I spent over 10 years writing resumes for aspiring and executive leaders. I'm excited to share with you my top three tips for creating an engaging and memorable resume and LinkedIn profile. Tip Number 1, highlight what sets you apart. Number 2, be specific. And Number 3, showcase your brand and accomplishments on LinkedIn. Starting with tip Number 1. There's only one you, and that's what makes you special…
