From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Prepare for your management interview

Prepare for your management interview

Lights, camera, action. It's your time to shine and show a hiring panel exactly why you're the perfect fit for a management role. You have the skills, reputation, and passion to be an incredible leader. It's up to you to showcase this with confidence, examples, and a clear vision of your professional goals. Once you land the interview, it's normal to feel nervous. After all, a management role will change your life and those around you. This is what you wanted. So please take a moment to congratulate yourself for making it this far. Earlier in the course, I shared that energy is contagious. This is true in interviews as well. You set the tone as soon as you enter the physical or virtual room. So I want you to go in with confidence. Why? When you have a strong sense of self, everyone around you will feel it. It will put them at ease, and they'll begin to feel confident that they made the right decision by inviting you in. So how can you overcome interview jitters? It all starts with…
