From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Say it with me. My bounce back game is strong. I want you to remember this any time you encounter challenges. So let's continue digging into this. In Chapter 3, we talked about mindset. This is the best time to use positivity and resilience. I'm often asked, what do I do if I don't have a supportive manager. Look for support outside of them. After all, they're not the final ruler of your destiny. In Chapter 2, we talked about the importance of networking and building relationships outside of your team. This is where these relationships come into play. Find trusted leaders for support, lean on them for advice, and ask if they can assist with providing a reference or referral for growth opportunities. These leaders can be found at your company in different departments or in your community. Whether you're training cross-functionally, volunteering, or joining a committee, you're bound to meet leaders whom you admire and who will advocate on your behalf. Another common concern that I often…
