From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Identify management roles internally and externally

Identify management roles internally and externally

The world is full of opportunities and they're waiting for you to explore them. It's up to you where you choose to look for them. In this case, you have the choice to look for management opportunities in your current organization or if you need a change of scenery, you can scope out other companies as well. If you're not sure which path to take, here are some questions you should ask yourself. Am I happy with my current company? Do I believe in the mission and our work? Have I built positive relationships with the majority of my colleagues and the leadership team? Where do I want to be professionally in the next five years? Can my current company support that goal? And finally, am I ready for a new environment? These questions may take time to answer, and that's okay. Take all the time you need to be honest with yourself. In your handout, I've created a worksheet for you to write down your thoughts. Choosing your next step is not one to take lightly. The more at peace you are with…
