From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Find mentors to develop your skills to become a manager

Find mentors to develop your skills to become a manager

I found my mentor on YouTube six years ago. Despite living over 2,200 miles from each other and being in two different industries, she's an instrumental part to the growth of my business and makes me a better business owner. I share this with you so you can see that people are willing to help you more than you think, and to remind you that mentorship can and will look different for everyone. Who you choose to be your mentor will depend on your professional goals, needs, and personality. So where do you start when it comes to finding a mentor? With yourself, of course. Grab your handout or notepad and write down your answers to the following questions. What three to five skills do you want to develop or improve? What do people close to you say that you struggle with? What trait or skill do you admire in others? What's your biggest fear about becoming a manager? Your answers will guide you to the right mentor and create space for meaningful conversations. For example, if you want to…
