From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Develop the mindset and habits to become a great leader

Develop the mindset and habits to become a great leader

After someone has a conversation with you, how do they walk away feeling? Would you guess confident, hopeful, or inspired? Or do they walk away feeling confused, nervous, or unsure? When you become a manager, you need to remember your energy is contagious. You no longer operate as an individual, but as a unit. Instead of thinking I, you'll want to start to focus on we. This is because your mindset and daily habits guide your thoughts, actions, and conversations which can either positively or negatively impact your future team. So let's make sure it's positive every time. The best managers adopt a mindset of positivity, visionary thinking, adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning. I'll take us through each of these further. A positive mindset has numerous benefits like reduced stress, increased productivity, and a stronger ability to bounce back from challenging situations. Some of my favorite ways to develop a positive mindset include practicing gratitude, challenging…
