From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Carry yourself as a leader to build your reputation now

Carry yourself as a leader to build your reputation now

No matter where you are or what you're doing, someone's watching, and your actions, good or bad, are being judged. In the workplace, what you do is evaluated by your supervisor, colleagues, clients, customers, and even the facilities team, if you work in an office. This is why carrying yourself as a leader now is instrumental in landing a management role and building a powerful legacy. In my course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager, I talk about how you can create a legacy you're proud of. A large component of your legacy is your reputation and how others perceive you. While there are many actions to build a management ready reputation, I want you to focus on these three. Relationship building, proactive problem-solving, and effective communication. First, building and maintaining positive relationships among your team is important, but building relationships outside of your team is where the magic happens. Most employees don't make the effort to get to know people…
