From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Build your brand as a future manager through networking

Build your brand as a future manager through networking

Picture this. Your colleagues are sitting in a room discussing who should fill a current management vacancy. Your name comes up. What do you think they'll say? Will they sing your praises or quickly move on to other options? While you can't control what people say about you, you can heavily influence their perception of you. As someone who aspires to be a manager, you want to make sure that you're being praised and recommended behind closed doors. And when the time comes when you are a manager, you'll have to be comfortable with building trustworthy and positive relationships within and outside of your organization. Building your brand through networking will help you develop the skill over time. It's time to break out your handout or grab a notepad. I want you to think about the individuals who hold the most power and influence in your organization, community, or the company you aspire to work for. If you're targeting your organization, include your direct supervisor, their…
