From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

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Address roadblocks or a lack of management opportunities

Address roadblocks or a lack of management opportunities

From the course: Building the Reputation and Skills to Become a First-Time Manager

Address roadblocks or a lack of management opportunities

How well do you bounce back from setbacks? I ask because your career journey will consist of highs, lows, obstacles, and breakthroughs. Simply put, it's a part of life where you handle the twists and turns with resilience and a positive mindset. If your journey always went according to plan, you never learned the lessons required to grow and evolve into the leader you were meant to be. Working towards management is a unique path that will often test your level of commitment. To prepare you, I'm sharing the top two challenges often encountered on the way to management. These include lack of growth opportunities within your company and limited professional development budget. In the first challenge, you could face a lack of upward mobility opportunities if you work for a smaller company with less than 50 staff, or if you work for a large company with smaller specialty teams. In this case, the only way to get into the role you want is waiting until a manager retires or quits. And if that…
