From the course: Building Self-Confidence

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Feed your positivity

Feed your positivity

- Being positive is hugely important. When you feel positive, everything else somehow seems easier and more manageable. As your belief in your ability grows, so does your self-confidence. So your goal is to be thoughtful about how you intentionally feed your positivity. One classic and very effective practice is visualizing your achievement. For any professional, this is a behavior you should engage every day for just a moment or two. Find a quiet place and then identify one or two goals, things you begun but not yet completed. Now imagine yourself getting to the finish line. See it as if you're watching a movie. Wrapping up the final details, turning in the work, or nailing the presentation. Imagine that smile on your supervisor's face. See yourself looking and feeling great. Now that's definitely worth 30 seconds of your time every day. Another great tip involves how you choose to think and talk to yourself when your self-confidence feels threatened. When one of those moments…
