From the course: Building Self-Confidence

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Articulate a path forward

Articulate a path forward

- When you find yourself not feeling confident, don't wait long before you choose to do something about it. First, give yourself a deadline, a time when you will stop accepting your current level of self-confidence and begin working on ways to improve the situation. Think in terms of hours or days, not weeks or months. Second, you have to make a plan. Let me share a simple structure that will be helpful. It's all about goals. Goals work because they direct and focus your attention on outcomes that you value. If you want to think about building self-confidence, let's think about levels of goals. You want to get back in the business of achievement, but you need an approach that works for someone who's struggling with self-confidence. So let's start small. First, consider a classic small win. A small win is an easily-definable task to be completed that you don't expect to be particularly difficult. This is the equivalent of getting back on your bike after falling off. It's a small step…
