From the course: Building Resilience

Assessing and building internal resources

From the course: Building Resilience

Assessing and building internal resources

I think that sometimes as adults we forget that we can do hard things and that we have done hard things. We don't always give ourselves enough credit for how much we're capable of and how much internal strength we've built. You have survived 100% of your bad days so far, so you must be doing something right. With every challenge you've faced, you have cultivated internal resources. Internal resources are the skills, qualities, and coping strategies that you've developed over the course of your life that you can lean on during tough times. You might not realize just how many internal resources you already have available to you. So right now, we're going to make a list of the internal resources that you have developed. Get a piece of paper or a Word doc ready to make a list. I want you to think about your personal strengths and qualities that have helped you through difficult moments. Maybe it's your sense of humor, your problem solving skills, the fact that you have a naturally optimistic attitude, your grit and determination, your belief in yourself, or the knowledge that you have successfully navigated painful situations before. Write down anything that comes to mind. If you need a minute to do this, pause the video now. Next, think about the healthy coping strategies that you've used successfully in the past. These could be things like expressing yourself through art, practicing gratitude, using physical exercise to shift your mood, taking a mental health day from work or talking yourself through a challenge. Add these to your internal resources column. Finally, identify areas where your internal resources may need some bolstering. Maybe you struggle to stay hopeful when times are tough, or perhaps when things are really tough, you tend to cope in unhealthy ways, like turning to excessive drinking, eating, or spending. By acknowledging these areas, you can work on developing healthier options. Take a moment to celebrate yourself for your internal resources. You've worked hard to cultivate them. Of course, no one gets through life alone. So in the next video, let's explore external resources.
