From the course: Building in Azure AI Studio

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Create a metric evaluation

Create a metric evaluation

- [Instructor] Let's look at how to create a metric evaluation in Azure AI Studio. In the left menu of my AI project, click evaluation. Under metric evaluations, I can create a new evaluation based on some industry standard metrics. Click new evaluation. First, let's add some basic information. Add an evaluation name. The scenario I'm evaluating is question and answer with context. I can download a data template. Open a template. It's a JSON Lines file for entering my test data. Here are some sample datasets for our demo using this template. Under select a flow to evaluate, I will choose the prompt flow we built previously. Click next. To configure test data, you can use existing dataset or add your dataset. For the demo, I will choose add your dataset. Choose upload file. Under dataset mapping for prompt flow, I can configure the required inputs for my prompt flow. For the chat history, set the value as an empty list. For the query, get the value from the tested dataset question…
