From the course: Building a Winning Enterprise Marketing Strategy

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Customer loyalty

Customer loyalty

(bright upbeat music) - [Instructor] When you're thinking about customer loyalty you're probably thinking about brands like Harley-Davidson or Apple. And the reason for that is that the marketing literature has always described loyalty as just being of one type customer loyalty. And that's really what we call heart loyalty. So heart loyalty is a type of loyalty that goes along with people who love to talk about the brand and tell stories. They're passionate, in fact they're irrational. So, you might have seen ads that were circulating around the internet not too long ago of iPhone users, who when faced with better features from Samsung they were holding onto their iPhones and saying I don't care. So, her loyal customers are ego attached to their brand, or emotionally attached to their brand and they're very forgiving. It's kind of like, happy marriages. It's kind of like a spouse. What we've discovered is that although…
