From the course: Building a Cloud Architecture Diagram
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Data architecture diagrams
From the course: Building a Cloud Architecture Diagram
Data architecture diagrams
- [Instructor] Data architecture is also part of the enterprise architecture landscape. What are the data assets of your organization? What systems and processes are required to access the data, manage the data, secure the data? So the overall goal of data architecture management is to ensure that the assets align and support what the company needs. And there's a couple of key elements. These elements are, data assets themselves. Structured data databases. Unstructured data. Documents, images, social media. How do you manage that? How do you share it? Is your data considered a single source of truth? How do you manage this data? What processes and tools are used to manage, and maintain these assets within your organization? What governance tools? What processes? We also have the access to the data itself. Perhaps your data is contained within a data lake. Maybe the data lake also includes a variety…
What is a cloud architecture diagram?6m 56s
Enterprise architecture diagrams1m 50s
Business architecture diagrams3m 16s
Application architecture diagrams3m 10s
Data architecture diagrams2m 56s
Technology architecture diagrams3m 25s
Universal Modeling Language (UML) diagrams2m 15s
UML use case diagram overview1m 41s
UML component diagram overview1m 53s
UML deployment diagram overview1m 46s
UML sequence diagram overview1m 43s
UML state diagram overview1m 29s
UML activity diagram overview1m 23s
UML class diagram overview2m 14s
Organizational responsibilities5m 16s