From the course: Build a Career for Positive Social Impact

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Auditing your values, experiences, and skills

Auditing your values, experiences, and skills

From the course: Build a Career for Positive Social Impact

Auditing your values, experiences, and skills

- In this movie, first, we'll audit our core values, and then we'll unpack our skills and experiences. Motivation is an essential part of why any of us work. We're motivated by many things, to feed our families, to grow, and to learn new things. Defining why you're motivated to participate in social impact is an important first step towards building a career in this sector. And values are the language of motivation. They determine our priorities and choices. Ultimately, we want to help you distinguish when your work is compatible with your values and when it's not. And look, it can feel like a nice-to-have in the job search process, but people tend to thrive in jobs that make them feel alive and align with their values and they're miserable if the opposite is true. There are a lot of methods for identifying your values, but we're going to use one of my favorites, an exercise developed by the Center for Ethical Leadership.…
