From the course: Bluebeam: Manage Safety Submittals

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- [Voiceover] Now that I have my completed safety data sheet book in an electronic format with the chemical list on the front that's a linkable table of contents, I'm ready to share this file. So, I'm gonna share this by putting it into a studio project container. And we created that earlier on in the course. So, go ahead and click on the Studio tab, if you're not already there, and make sure that you're logged into your studio account. And, it might look something like this if you're just now logging in. We're gonna find that sample project that we created earlier on in the course, and I'm gonna double click that so that that's my active studio project that I'm viewing. And you'll see that right now you'll find that safety data sheet cover, the submittal cover that we created earlier on and that's the only thing that's currently in this project container. Now, instead of just storing this over here, I want to create a special folder for it. Let's run through that process and then…
