From the course: Bluebeam: Manage Safety Submittals

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Invite the team to collaborate

Invite the team to collaborate

- [Voiceover] In the last video segment, we initiated a project session and we went though the process where we sent out some initial invitations and if you went ahead and did that and included some people in that initial invitation, they're not going to appear here as Attendees until that individual actually accepts. So this is kinda nice because if you've sent out an initial invitation to a Subcontractor that is not listed here, it means that they've ignored your initial invitation and request. So here we can see my Internal Safety Director has replied and they've joined the session, but I'm missing my Subcontractors. So let's go ahead and look at how to send out another invite and to do that I'm just gonna click on the envelope icon and I'm just gonna type in an individual email address here, I'm gonna click on OK and I'm gonna add a message since they ignored my first invitation, Please send me, this is a contractor message right, please send me your safety data sheets right now…
