From the course: Bluebeam: Manage Safety Submittals

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Initiate a session

Initiate a session

- [Voiceover] So now that we've finished creating our Studio Project, it's time to initiate a Studio Session. And remember that you can think of Studio Project as the Cloud Storage feature, so that's the container that's gonna hold everything, and Studio Sessions is the feature that allows us to collaborate on documents. I'm gonna use the Collaboration features in Studio Sessions to enable my subcontractors to start submitting their own electronic safety data sheets. So to do that, I'm gonna click on Start, and I wanna choose a New Session. So we'll call this SDS Submittal Session, and at this point, I can add any files that I want people to collaborate on, if I already have them. I can also do that later, so I'm gonna leave that blank, but let's look at the Permissions. Now, Permissions in Studio Sessions are separate than they are from Studio Projects, so I'm gonna allow people a lot more access while these documents are in Studio Sessions because I want them to be able to submit…
