From the course: Bluebeam: Manage Safety Submittals

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Finalize and create a combined PDF

Finalize and create a combined PDF - Bluebeam Revu Tutorial

From the course: Bluebeam: Manage Safety Submittals

Finalize and create a combined PDF

- [Voiceover] Okay so at this point in the course we have learned how to set up a studio session and bring in all of our safety data sheets and middle documents, we've gone through, we've reviewed each one, we've marked them as approved and ready for release. And again I know that this is probably going to be an ongoing process for the life of the project, but at some point I've got to look at this and say okay I'm ready to mobilize on the job. So I need to take whatever I have and get it all combined together, generate that chemical list, and make it available out on the job site. Because we're starting the project and so I need to take what I have and get it out there. So we're going to say we're at that point. We're going to go back in to our studio sessions so make sure that you're Bluebeam studio tab is open and make sure that you're logged in to your studio account. And you can click on home so it looks something like this, depending on how many projects and sessions you have…
