From the course: Bluebeam: Manage Safety Submittals

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Applying features learned to other tasks

Applying features learned to other tasks - Bluebeam Revu Tutorial

From the course: Bluebeam: Manage Safety Submittals

Applying features learned to other tasks

- [Voiceover] Now that you have an understanding of how to use the features in Bluebeam Studio to collaborate and store documents, you should be able to begin to see how you can use these tools to facilitate many different types of submittal processes. For example, when the owner initiates a change in scope, you could just start a new Studio session, and invite the affected subcontractors to review and comment on constructability and impact or use a Studio session to facilitate shop drawing submittal. Once a subcontractor's converted their drawings to PDF, they can just simply upload the file to the session where it's available for review and comments by the project team. Once approved, the drawings can be marked for construction, using one of our stamps, and moved to a Studio project. The possibilities are endless and the fact that Bluebeam Revu includes these cloud storage functions and collaboratory features at no extra cost really makes them an invaluable tool. I see many…
