From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] We've had a lot of fun with the Shader Editor, creating a really cool material. Now in this video, we're going to go ahead and unwrap our character, which will allow us to paint on it in the next video. To unwrap, we need to come up to this little plus button, and go to general, UV editing. Now you'll have a brand new book. On the left, a empty, gray square, and on the right, you'll be in edit mode. Now, I want to pause here for just a moment and show you something. You see how the stem looks kind of stretched out? Whenever there is an edge, you can see a very clearly defined black line, but up here in the stem, it's really hard to find some of those black lines. In fact, there's kind of weird stuff happening where these edges overlap. This is just poor geometry, and it might lead to a lot of problems unwrapping. There are a lot of different ways to fix this, but I don't recommend fixing it in edit mode…
