From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Turning up the heat with fire sims

Turning up the heat with fire sims - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Turning up the heat with fire sims

- [Instructor] One of my other favorite simulations to do in Blender is fire. Now it's going to be more exciting to do a fire simulation on something cooler looking. So let's go ahead and delete this cube, and go to add mesh, monkey. And, just like before, object quick effects, and this time go to quick smoke. On the bottom left, switch it to smoke and fire. And when you're done, go ahead and click play, and admire the flaming monkey. How cool is that? Now, depending on the power of your computer, this may go very quickly or take a couple minutes. It's okay, don't worry. Blender is just very processor intensive, but it is working. Now let's open up our properties, and you'll see here in the outliner that you have a domain much like you had a liquid domain from before, and Suzanne, which is the name of the monkey, is our emitter. Let's click on smoke domain and come down to physics. Here on the right, you'll see a lot of…
