From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Solution: Render your first animation

Solution: Render your first animation - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Solution: Render your first animation

(upbeat music) - Welcome to the solution on rendering your very first animation. Now it doesn't matter what kind of render engine you decided to use. For my purposes, I'll use Eevee. There's a few things you should always do before rendering. The first is to pick a random frame. And then just go ahead and render that image. You can think of this as a proofing process to make sure that everything looks good before you render it. One common problem you might have is an object that shows up at render time but is not visible in a viewport. So I've just gone ahead and added a monkey and I'm going to scale it up a little bit and turn it off here in the viewport. You don't necessarily need to do this, I'm just demonstrating an issue that you may run into. There you go. I now have a monkey right on top of my gourd. But you can see over here, my camera view and in my viewport, I have no monkey. That's because the visibility is…
