From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Solution: Paint Gourdy

Solution: Paint Gourdy

(upbeat electronic music) - [Tutor] Before we begin texture painting, I want to reference that old image of gourds that we had. There's a real simple way to bring it inside a blender. To do so, Come down to the bottom left here and move until your mouse turns into this plus sign. Left click and drag up, and where it says paint, switch it to view. You may have that reference image still in here, which you can access by clicking this dropdown. But if you don't, click on image, and go to open. In the blender file view, go to your exercise files, click on assets, reference, and open this Adobe Stock image. And then click on view, display texture paint UVs. Now go ahead and zoom out, and you can see all of our gourds, are nice and right here in our window. I'm going to zoom into the one that I picked, but feel free to go to the one that you made. Now, back in texture paint mode on the right, I want to scroll down and click on this…
