From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Solution: Add an effect

Solution: Add an effect

- In this chapter challenge, I ask you to implement one of the many advanced features we talked about. And for this solution video, I'm going to go over all of them so we can see how to add them to your scene. Go ahead and left click on Gourdy, come down here and switch this to the geometry note editor, then click New. One very simple effect we can add, let's go to search, it's points to volume. Go ahead and hit Enter and just left click to drop it in there. There's so much you can do here, playing with density, playing with the radius. If things get too high, too fast, consider holding down Shift and then left click and dragging. Let's go ahead and click on the slide. Hit T for tools, and let's go ahead and move this light in front. You may not be able to notice it at first but this light is making a really cool effect. Hold down your middle mouse button over here and drag to the left and click on rendered, now…
