From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Shape keys and drivers

Shape keys and drivers

- [Instructor] Armature bones allow you to create very big and broad movements with your characters. However, sometimes you want more refined or smaller movements, like maybe face shapes, smiles, frowns, et cetera. How would you do that? In blender, you use a method called shape keys. Other programs referred to them as morph targets or blend shapes, but functionally either the same thing or animating individual vertices and attaching it to a shape that we can call or drive later on with our character rig or armature. Let me show you, Let's go ahead and click on this tool and hit N to hide it. It's a little bit more realistic, we can now zoom into our character. I'm going to go ahead and switch from pose mode to object. Select my armature, and then go into edit mode. I'm going to go into the front view, zoom in a little bit and go into wire frame. Now at first you may say, wait a minute, right? Wire frame button is…
