From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Rendering your scene

Rendering your scene

- Hopefully you've gone ahead and added some objects and lights to your scene and made it look pretty awesome. Don't forget you can always change the power and make it really strong if you can't see your initial light for any reason. Some of the more advanced users might say, "You know this gizmo that's in front of me, with all the movement et cetera, I don't need any of that stuff." Well remember how we had Viewport Shading options for Render preview et cetera, over here on the left you can go ahead and turn off your overlays. For the purpose of this course, I'm going to leave them always on but if you're in a more advanced user you can go ahead and turn 'em on and off as you need, so you can get a little bit more real estate in your scene. All right, now that you've gone ahead and made a absolutely gorgeous scene... In my case actually, I think want to go a little bit more purple. There we go. Now that you've gone…
