From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Rendering overview

Rendering overview

- [Instructor] One of the most important things in 3D animation is rendering. Rendering is where you take all the objects, materials, textures, et cetera, and click a button. And the program will process everything and give you back a pretty image. In years past this process could take minutes, hours even day for big budget visual effects. Today with modern programs like Blender and high powered graphics cards for gaming this process could take just a couple of seconds. Now there are two different kinds of render modes or engines inside of Blender. If you come up to this little icon you'll see it's called render properties, go ahead and click on it. And under engine you'll see there are three, Eevee, Workbench, and Cycles. We'll do a deep dive between Eevee and Cycles later, but for now let's just talk about Eevee. Eevee is a real time rendering engine, a lot like a game engine, like Unity or Unreal. It's very fast.…
