From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Refining your armature

Refining your armature

- One of the questions you need to ask yourself while building an armature is, "Does this character deform the way I wanted it to?" For example, on the moustache, I think it'd be a lot funnier if the moustache moved on its own, and the gourd didn't. Also, I might know that the master, over here, moves, but the eyeballs and moustache don't. It's things like this that we can fix by going to Edit mode, and Weight Paint mode. Let's start with the eyeballs and the moustache. Go to Edit mode, and make sure that you are in your Armature settings, which looks like a little running character, Rest Position. Scroll down, all the way down to, see this bone. Right here. Open up Relations. You'll note that when you click on these eyeballs, there's no parent. To set one, it's just a simple shortcut. Click on the moustache; Shift + left click the two eyeballs; and then, of course, this root bone, right here; and then hit…
