From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Menus, search, and shortcuts

Menus, search, and shortcuts - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Menus, search, and shortcuts

- [Narrator] One of the most important things about Blender are all the different modes that you have depending on what object you have selected, and how the menu to the right of it changes along with the tools to the left. For example, if I go into edit mode, you'll see I have a whole bunch of different tools and my menu up here has changed with things like Add, Mesh, Vertex, et cetera. If I switch to Object mode you can see that most of that menu disappears and my tools shorten up a little bit. Your menus and tools will change depending on what mode you're in, inside of Blender. The shortcut to switch modes is tab and that'll take you straight into edit mode where you'll be spending quite a bit of time. If I hit tab again, I can now hit control tab at the same time and hold it down. And I can see that there are a bunch of other modes that appear, like texture paint, vertex paint, weight paint, or sculpt mode. This is…
