From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Making a scene and adding lights

Making a scene and adding lights - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Making a scene and adding lights

- [Instructor] Now that we've gone ahead and added a few objects and played with some modifiers. It's time to create this into a scene and add some lights. The very first thing I want to do is come over to add, and add a plane. And then I'm going to click on the scale tool. The shortcut for this is S. I'm just going to hit S and drag or I can just drag on any one of these items right here. Here we go. I want to make a floor for all of our 3D objects so they're not just floating there in space. Next, I'm going to click on my move tool and I want to move this spear so that my camera can see it. But right now, I don't know what my camera can see. So I'm going to click on this camera icon right here. As you can see, my little sphere here is off the side so I'm just going to go ahead and move it. And even my lovely meta balls, let's go ahead and move them a little closer. Meta balls can be sometimes kind of weird by the way.…
