From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] We've talked a little bit about lighting in the past. And in this video, I want to drill down a little further and show you some of the different light settings and even light types that are available to you. Now, on the left over here, you may have noted that once in a while we'll switch to this Viewport Shading material mode or sometimes this rendered mode. And over here, we go back to our solid mode. You'll note that material mode has a bit of a flat lighting that's provided by Blender but when you switch to rendered mode, if you have any light in the scene, it will use that instead. And in fact, Blender comes by default, with a single little point light, which you can go ahead and left click and drag around your scene. This point light has a lot of different options. So go ahead and click on the little green light bulb and you'll see a few different icons and other settings. Just a quick note, I…
