From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Having fun with fluids sims

Having fun with fluids sims - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Having fun with fluids sims

- [Instructor] One of my favorite features in Blender is playing around with the fluid simulation. It's so fast and easy to use that you can enable it with just one click. Let me show you. Go to Object, Quick Effects, Quick Liquid, and there you go. Now, just go ahead and click the Play button and you can see the fluid simulation play right in front of you. Depending on the speed of your computer, this may happen very quickly or go very slowly. Now, let me describe what's happening. Blender needs a domain to do all of its simulation inside of. So that's what this big orange box is. Gets created for you the moment you click on Quick Liquid. This little box was the initial cube that we started with. Often we refer to this as the emitter or where the simulation will emit or start from. The domain is where the simulation will play or react and move around in. These little blue and green dots indicate velocity of the…
