From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Edit mode for 3D modelling

Edit mode for 3D modelling - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Edit mode for 3D modelling

- [Instructor] It is now time to add the finishing touches to your 3D gourd character. We're going to add some eyes and a mouth. To do that, we're going to use a new mode, edit mode that we've talked a little bit about in the past and explore vertices, edges and faces. The very first thing we need to do is come up to this plus sign. You might notice that all of your old workspaces are gone. But the moment you click on this plus sign, you'll see that they're actually there, just hidden. So go to general and add a layout. From here go to view, viewpoint and let's go to the front. Now I'm going to zoom in, but feel free to adjust the camera so we can have a good look at our gourd. Next, I'm going to go ahead and Shift + right click and kind of identify where I want my eyeball to be. From here, go to add, mesh, UV sphere. Next, you can either hit tab or object and click on edit mode. You'll be greeted by this orange sphere.…
